The homes and offices where
most of our lives are spent,
should not only protect us
from bad weather, thieves
and predators. These places
where we eat, rest, unwind
and sleep should also contribute to our
well being, our mental health status, and
a healthy lifestyle. It is not only healthy
body that we need to look at and apply
ourselves to, and creating an environment that holds space for our inner lives
should be something we actively we
need to build and maintain. Therefore
the physical space we stay in should
continually contribute to replenishing
our life’s energy reserves.
It's important to address the emf
(electromagnetic field) radiation issue
we all face in a more holistic and
sustainable way rather than just improvising in the short term and creating
quick-fix solutions.
Here's what happens…
Along with the natural radiations coming
from the stress lines below a building, developed by the heat generated from molten lava at the earth's lower layers, there
is much radiation that emanates from the
electrical wiring in the house, power supplies and cables running past properties
that containing electricity. This creates
increasing exposure to high-frequency
radiation that can profoundly affect our
physical and non-physical selves.
It's important in the long run that
architects, electricians, developers, building owners and policymakers collaborate
and work to improve on the weak
aspects of building design and structure
to incorporate and maximise radiation
protection within living environments.
Or, at the very least, institute eliminatory
measures to combat the negative impact
of these emf radiations on humans. It is
vital for people to have a healthy lifestyle
not just to work efficiently, but also have
flourishing relationship with people they
live with and have alignment within their
mind, body and soul.
However it is not possible to achieve if
our buildings are the ones making us sick.
This is how…
The process to shield the building starts
at the developing stage, and it is essential
for real estate developers to either develop a stress-free building while it is under construction or renovate the building by
shielding it after a project is complete.
Based on many years of research in
and around building biology there exist
appropriate strategies and materials specifically curated and chosen to protect
buildings from being silent killers and/
or creating living difficulties for the occupants of the buildings.
What we do…
Our Balance1 Studio has clear agendas
whereby we offer personalised sessions
for clients whereafter we deliver specially customized solutions to manage
specific issues. As part of the process we
give a complete layout of fixing energies
in our own body and ensure it is in sync
with one's home and workplace. To carry
out this procedure efficiently , an inspection is initiated at the client's home/
workplace where the energies present
are quantified precisely. Followed by the
results, we make a layout of all the geopathic stress points and make our client
aware of how and where all the radiation
and stress points are affecting them.
With the help of our self-curated products such as electromagnetic field (emf )
“Depending on your location, when it comes time
to sell or rent your home, your protected home will
potentially be sold for more because of the energy
shielding that is already in place”
energizing rods , -ve infrared capsules ,
geopathic stress mattress , emf shielding
paints , curtains, bed covers etc, which
absorb harmful radiations and neutralize
their effects, we have been successful in
bringing back all-round hsrmony to our
clients' lives. All these products serve as
energy medicines to attain synchronicity
between mind, body and spaces.
For the experts…
It would be an advantageous add-on for
property developers, architects and interior designers to adjoin these radiation
protections to their projects. It will ensure
a unique offering, in itself, and moreover
rather than providing a standard home to
their clients they can provide them with a
ready lmade environment that scientifically sustains their well being!
The cost of these radiative add-ons is
insignificant compared to the value of
a home and one should not neglect to
make this part of their home or office. The
costs are actually a long-term investment
as more and more people are becoming
electro-hypersensitive. Depending on your
location, when it comes time to sell or
rent your home, your protected home will
potentially be sold for more because of the
energy shielding that is already in place.
The energy flow within the building
needs to be undisturbed to let positive radiation travel and create an environment
for sustainable happiness and health. The
shielding solution provides a balance of
the five elements of nature to neutralize
the nourishing life that every human aspires to. And certainly should aspire to.
Geo 7 Space founder of Balance 1 Studio by Dr S
Pujah is an internationally recognised one-stop
shop for energy-management solutions with an
impressive and satisfied clientele that includes
royalty, corporates, SMEs and individuals.