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On - demand
Lifetime validity
peer to peer learning
completion certificate
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Benefits of our training programs

"Mastering the Ancients: Decoding Vedas, Ayurveda, and Wellness for Mind, Body, and Spaces."

Practical Approach

Our training is designed to provide the skills in a practical approach. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Globally Oriented

Strategies shared and knowledge earned allows our students to immediately set up their business and start offering their services start healing.

For Your Career

Begin your healing career with Bio7 Wellness and Geo7 Spaces Certified Professional. Combine expertise and compassion for holistic well-being.

What can be measured, can be managed.

Essentially everything is energy and we utilize the energy measurement through the proprietary and engineered concept healing method, which integrates the measurement of the frequencies of the body and the mind and further alignment and correction of those frequencies by use of essential oils and sacred geometry.

Aim high, see big, judge widely

Lifestyle Courses

Interactive video

Exceptional experiences with automatically extracted transcripts, quizzes etc.

Text material

Tools used by the world's top professionals. E-books, note-taking, surveys and more.

Assessments - Exams

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field.

Certificate awards

Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional.

Professional Practice Courses

Meet the instructor

S Pujah

Meet S Pujah, a seasoned entrepreneur and wellness expert based in Dubai. As the founder of Balance1Studio, she brings a wealth of experience from her successful ventures in investment banking and insurance.Specializing in personal growth and life balance, Pujah conducts impactful programs to help individuals discover their life's purpose. With a passion for decoding ancient wisdom, she offers unique insights from her extensive global travels.As the visionary behind Sustainable Wellness concepts like Bio7 wellness and Geo 7 spaces, Pujah blends aromatherapy and essential oils with geopathic rods for a holistic experience. Join her workshops on body and space energy healing to tap into her positive energy and expertise.Experience the difference with Dr. Pujah Subhash Srivastav—a calming presence with a profound impact on well-being.

Patrick Jones - Course author

Featured and Spoken At

Expert Courses

A thriving community

2,345+ students and counting

"The Bio7 Wellness session of Pujah Subhash Srivastav was an eye-opening session. She scan my energy and tell where is not aligned, the pains of my body. She combines science and holistic ways to healing people, I never see anything like that, so effective and powerful!."

Sarah Dong
Executive Director at CEO Clubs UAE
"It was an interesting Bio 7 Wellness session with Ms. Pujah Subhash Srivastav and her team. She explained so well the importance of having a balance in all aspect of your life. Most important of all is to live and love your life in an authentic way."
Arianne Marie Dionela
Office Manager
"I strongly recommend Bio 7 Wellness by Ms. Pujah Subhash Srivastav, they are really professional and the knowledge in this line is remarkable. I have taken their support and its doing well for me."
Jayesh S
Deputy Manager

"I enrolled in Geo 7 Spaces course seeking to enhance my skills, and it exceeded my expectations! The comprehensive content, engaging lectures, and practical assignments made learning enjoyable and effective. The instructors' expertise and passion were palpable in every module, making complex concepts easily digestible."

Home Maker
"When we met Dr. Pujah, we understood that her expertise spans more than just the traditional vastu methods. She touched elements like health, aura, etc., It was physical, it was mental, it was the energy of the house and everything was very very holistic. And i really believe that Dr. Pujah is an expert in this field."
Soumya Ramadas
Manager - Private Company
"As a working professional, time is a luxury. This course respected that. The flexibility to learn at my own pace without compromising on quality was exactly what I needed. Thank you for such a well-designed program."
Jaya Chopra
Home Maker

Frequently asked questions

Course Offerings and Benefits

1. What courses do you offer?
At Spujah, we offer a diverse array of courses encompassing space healing, geopathic solutions, body healing, chakras, aromatherapy, and occult science.

2. How do your courses benefit students?

Our programs empower students to become professionals, equipped to positively impact lives through holistic practices.

3. Can I trust the school's credibility?

Yes, Spujah is committed to excellence, boasting a track record of providing quality education and transformative experiences.

Course Selection and Specialized Courses

1. How do I choose the right course for me?
Our experienced counselors guide you to tailor courses that align with your passions and career aspirations.

2. What sets your space healing (vastu) course apart?

Expert-led programs provide in-depth knowledge of vastu, empowering you to create harmonious living and working spaces.

3. How does geopathic solutions training work?

Learn to identify and mitigate geopathic stress, ensuring a balanced and energetically supportive environment.Tell me about the body healing course. Discover holistic approaches to physical well-being, integrating ancient and modern healing practices.

4. What will I learn in the chakras course?

Explore the energy centers in the body, understanding how to balance and optimize them for overall wellness.

5. How can aromatherapy benefit me?

Immerse yourself in the therapeutic world of aromas, learning to promote well-being through essential oils.

6. What is included in the occult science course?

Unveil the mysteries of occult science, gaining insights into esoteric knowledge and spiritual practices.

Practical Aspects and Opportunities

1. Do students receive practical training?
Yes, our courses emphasize hands-on experience, ensuring practical proficiency for real-world applications.

2. Are there opportunities for internships or practical placements?

We facilitate opportunities for internships, providing valuable hands-on experience within your chosen field.

3. Can I access course materials online?

Our courses offer a blend of in-person and online resources for flexible and accessible learning.

Learning Environment and Support

1. How do your programs foster a supportive learning environment?
Our community-oriented approach encourages collaboration, ensuring a nurturing and encouraging learning atmosphere.

2. Can I consult with instructors outside of class?

Absolutely, our instructors are dedicated to your success, providing additional support and guidance outside of regular class hours.

Financial Considerations and Career Outlook

1. Are there scholarships or financial aid options?
Explore our scholarship and financial aid programs designed to make quality education accessible.

2. What is the career outlook for graduates?

Graduates can expect a comprehensive preparation for diverse career paths, with ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Enrollment Process and Additional Information

1. How can I trust the effectiveness of your teachings?
Trust in the effectiveness of our teachings, crafted by experts in their respective fields, with a strong emphasis on practical, real-world applications.

2. Do you offer alumni networking opportunities?

Yes, as a graduate, join a vibrant community of alumni, participating in networking events and accessing ongoing support for your career journey.

3. How do I enroll in a course?

To enroll in a course, visit our website or contact our admissions team to initiate your transformative journey at Spujah.
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